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U.S. Defense Leadership Forum

Graphic Design

I worked in tandem with the U.S. Defense Leadership Forum crafting dynamic contracting summit programs, engaging directly with esteemed figures like Charles Sills, COO, and renowned advocate for small business access to federal and military contracting opportunities. Click here for example of design.

The University of Alabama

Principles of Design

The University of Alabama

Principles of Design

The University of Alabama

Principles of Design

irving tissue

Marketing Materials

Creating marketing materials for Irving Tissue involved a strategic blend of creativity, clarity, and consistency to effectively communicate with employees across various mediums. I collaborated closely with various departments to gather information about upcoming events, birthdays, deadlines, and ERG (Employee Resource Group) initiatives.

For graphic design, I utilized software like Canva to create visually appealing materials. Each graphic and flyer was designed to be eye-catching yet professional, incorporating Irving Tissue's branding elements such as logo, colors, and fonts.

I adapted the content and design to suit different communication channels. For example, emails required concise yet informative announcements, while announcement screens allowed for more visual elements. Flyers to be hung throughout the plant needed to be easily readable from a distance. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for new hires were presented in clear, easy-to-understand graphics. Visual aids such as flowcharts or diagrams helped simplify complex processes and ensure that important information was effectively communicated. Flyers for Employee Resource Groups were designed to highlight the benefits of participation and encourage inclusivity within the workplace. Emphasizing diversity and community-building was central to these materials.

After creating the initial drafts, I sought feedback from stakeholders to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. Iterative improvements were made based on their input to optimize the impact of the materials.

The founding moms

Social Media Management

Created graphics and videos, crafting content tailored to resonate with a entrepreneurial and motherhood-focused audience. Through strategic planning and creative execution, I cultivated a vibrant online presence, fostering engagement, community interaction, and brand visibility. By analyzing metrics and adapting to evolving trends, I ensured our social media platforms remained dynamic and effective channels for connecting with our audience before the brand's acquisition.